
Prageeth Jayathissa stems from Sri Lankan origins, but bred in Aotearoa. He fuses his teaching from his grandparents, with ancient scripture, and modern philosophy, to revive and reinvigorate a timeless tradition. He is an applied scientist and sustainability manager by day, yoga teacher by night. The classes are not your typical modern postural yoga, but rather a meditative journey into alternative states on consciousness to find something that words cannot describe. Prageeth is a Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher under the guidance of Satu Tuomela.


Mind-Body Connection
Realms of Consciousness


Heart Kidneys Grounding Space Touch Skin/Bone Qi



Moral Flowcharts for Modern Yoga

Moral Flowcharts for Modern Yoga is a step into the complex space of decolonisation, cultural appropriation, capitalism, inclusivity, and safety within yoga practices. It is an evolving text that will undergo numerous iterations, initiate conversation, and postulate the future of yoga traditions. Suggestions for new flowcharts, edits, or removals can be requested via github .
Chakra Flowchart
Spiritual Ego Flowchart
Sacred Symbols Flowchart
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Inspired Reading Material


2021 Jayathissa Yoga


Your lungs are not a muscle. This course is an interactive introduction to breath-work and pranayama. We explore the different muscles responsible for breathing, and explore the varying sensations felt through different breathing patterns.

Mind-Body Connection

"The mind is like the wind, and the body is like the sand. If you want to know how the wind is blowing, you look at the sand" - Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

Realms of Consciousness

We spend most of our lives in "normal waking consciousness". The default mode best designed for survival. By bringing awareness to this as one of many modes, we can start observing its deviation into alternative realms.


When values are challenged some people "prop", stiffen and hold their values without any movement. Some people "collapse" and surrender their values without any resistance. In between propping, and collapsing there is the concept of yielding. Where one listens to the outer stimuli, and responds with it to direct the best course of action.

Unrestricted Heart

Through this practice, we liberate the heart of all material and living bounds, and through this liberation allow it to move, letting the body follow.


When was the last time you felt your kidneys? In a painless way that is.


Your skin is the boundary between the outside and in the in. This is an eyes closed class where you explore objects and space through the sense of touch as you physically journey from one location to another.


As you move the body you also move the space that resides around your body. How do your movements change, when you think of the variation of the space on the outside, as opposed to the variation of the body on the inside?

Skin and Bone

Skin and Bone. Lightness and Strength. Flotation and Tether. The two contrasting elements that when in balance allows one to be light and free, while grounded and strong.


A TaiQi inspired class that uses spiral movements of the body to alleviate energetic movement.


A bone focused class that explores weight and ones connection to the Earth.


I feel that there is a misconception of presence as being in the "now" where one forgets about the future and the past. This I see as a spiritual bypass, as the past and the future are also both part of the present. This course explores the concept of presence through meditation, movement and after class discussions.


The five layered self is a concept through of ancient Tantric Philosophy (not the modern Westernised neo-Tantra). Here we explore the five layers of oneself: the body, heart-mind, prana, void, and cit.